The team

Get to know us

SeekingTrails was launched in 2023 by Bob and Bart to offer a no-nonsense perspective on hiking and trekking.

It was the beginning of 2018 when we, Bob and Bart, on our way back from a failed New Year’s party, began to reconsider our life choices. We soon realized that we were craving adventure.

The realisation

As adventurers in the making, the idea emerged to hike the Krijtlandpad trail in Limburg together. During this journey, we discussed grand plans – how awesome would it be to go to Sweden? Into the real wilderness! The pain in our shoulders and blisters under our feet brought us back to reality: we were setting a new standard for epic failure.

A Brilliant Idea

We realized how many things needed to be considered to make a trek even somewhat enjoyable. Sitting on a  rock alongside the asphalt road, a brilliant idea emerged: let’s take an outdoor or survival course in Sweden so we can transform from hopelessly incompetent beings into somewhat competent adventurers.

A Big Surprise

The trip was booked but canceled a few weeks before departure due to some small virus.  So, we changed our plans and decided to hike the Coast to Coast Trail in England. During this 309-kilometer journey, we were once again confronted with our incompetence; weather conditions and a lack of signage made the trek significantly more challenging. With many ups and downs, we eventually completed the journey and developed a new passion!

Our Foolishness Takes Shape

 This eventually led both of us to work in an outdoor store, where we inspired countless people with our  ability to demonstrate how not to do things… We also came up with new trips, including ones to Sweden, Scotland, and Germany. In a rastuga (a small wooden hut) in Sweden, we realized that the barrier for doing multi-day hikes can be quite high. It’s challenging to determine what gear is needed and what a trek demands from our bodies. We thought it would be cool to share our knowledge in our own way with others through a website. The idea floatedin our minds for a few years, but in 2023, we finally put together this website.

Want to know more about us? Click on one of the images below!


Has both feet on the ground


Is very organized